Oligosaccharide Potassium Phosphite

A true trivalent phosphorus solution that regulates growth, suppresses excessive shoots, and provides dual-action protection against fungal pathogens.

Product Description:

Oligosaccharide Potassium Phosphite is a high-efficiency, systemic nutrient with strong disease resistance properties. It enhances crop health by promoting balanced growth, improving nutrient availability, and strengthening natural defenses.

Key Benefits:

  1. Enhances Maturity & Greening – Promotes shoot hardening and fruit color transition.
  2. Dual-Action Protection – Potassium phosphite has systemic mobility, moving both up and down within the plant for protective and curative effects. It can also be mixed with other compounds, including copper-based formulations.
  3. Improves Soil Nutrient Availability – Releases fixed calcium, zinc, and iron in the soil, enhancing root zone aeration and promoting robust crop growth.
  4. Controls Excessive Vegetative Growth – Regulates apical dominance, ensuring compact growth, fuller flower buds, and higher fruit set with improved quality.
  5. Boosts Disease Resistance – Stimulates plant defense responses by activating polyphenols and reactive oxygen species (ROS), improving resistance to diseases and environmental stress.


  • Root Irrigation (Drip/Flush): 1-2L per hectare (≈0.4-0.8L per acre).
  • Foliar Spray: Dilute 800-1200 times with water and apply evenly.


  • 1L × 12 bottles per carton


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